i n  E n g l i s h





Club Masters in Economics


The club was established in the year 2000 by masters students of the Faculty of Economics of Tallinn University of Technics.


The mission of the club is to bring all of us together, in order to form new friendships and to spend quality time.


The means are sports and events of academic or leisure by nature. The club has its own football team and other sports are done together as well. The one who is not keen to sports can find amusement from three major events of the club year: The Evening of Introduction, Winter Games and Summer Games. A charity Brainstorm Meeting is held each year in one of the many Estonian communes with the aim to help local administration to improve the competitiveness of local economy life.


Each year many new post-graduate students and masters in Economics join the club - today there are more than 500 of us. It is a friendly community, united by the Faculty of Economics of TUT.

Also, you have a chance to join our football team. For more info, see: http://fc.magister.ee


To get more acquainted with the club, see the eight minute introduction video: http://magister.ee/video/video-klubiHQ.WMV





Contact Us


Tel.: +372 56560830 (Club Manager)

E-mail.: magister(ät)magister.ee



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